Why counseling based MRA team are not growing

Any organization growth🚀 depends on the kind of people it retains. If it retains growth🏃🏼‍♂️ oriented people it will grow. If it retains lazy😴 people it will slowly die.

I feel that free counseling based organization are retaining more advice seekers🤔 than activists. 🕺🏼

They should have the practice of giving assignments ✉️ when people come to meeting 1st time. When we do this we have the first filter 🧐 of removing people who are not contributors to the organization.

They can have a track of the activity done by the advice seekers/ Victims. This will be their second filter of removing people who are just advice seekers.

They should have random visits to police👮🏼‍♂️ and politicians 👨🏼‍ 🦳 to give their list of expectations and helpline number.

These initiatives may not be high impact but are definitely way to identify activists and also improve their recall in mind of police & politicians.

when they end meeting they can ask people to share the activity done by them in previous week and any planned for the next week.

This filtering is important as if the MRA’s do not do this they will be busy only handling the queries instead of increasing the reach of MRA’s.

The advice seekers will keep getting advice either from them or other forums🤳🏼 but if they keep gathering only advice seekers they will lose the activist who will leave them for lack of activism.

MRA’s cannot afford to lose activist so better lose the free loaders the faster the better.

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