Men's rights first

Men’s rights first

07/12/2022 K S 2

Think of Men’s rights first… Before you vote for any party think if they will support men’s rights first. If two person are in danger […]

Malendar 2023

24/10/2022 K S 0

For the year 2023 I have again marked the important days related to men on this blog, also I have created a downloadable Malendar for […]

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Men are awesome

25/04/2021 K S 0

Men are awesome in more than one ways, they help the needy, they empathize with the helpless, they uplift the downtrodden, they educate the illiterate. […]

Privileges for women in India

10/04/2021 K S 0

The list of privileges women enjoy India that men do not: Cheaper tuition fees and more scholarships at government schools, colleges and universities. Free public […]