O feminist woman

Double standards
Feminism is dual standard

Woman O feminist woman!

When without money, wishes to get married;
When has money, wishes to get divorced.

When without money, Boyfriend becomes driver;
When has money, Driver becomes boyfriend.

When without money walks to earn food
When has money, walks to burn fat;

Woman O feminist woman!
Never fails to deceive thyself!

When without money, rides bicycle;
When she has money rides the same ‘exercise machine’.

When without money, eats vegetables at home;
When she has money, eats the same vegetables in a fine restaurant.

When without money, acts like a rich woman; When has money acts like a poor woman.
$ 1 seems too much to give a boy begging for food,
but $ 20 seems okay when it’s given for the 20th lipstick shade in her drawer.

Woman O feminist woman!
Never can tell the simple truth!

Says show off is bad, but keeps seeking attention;
Says money is evil, but keeps accumulating.

Says diamonds are merely stones, but keeps asking for them.

Says smoking & drinking is bad, but keeps indulging;

Woman O feminist woman!
Never means what she says and never says what she means..

After a whole day of work, Hours at the gym seem alright
But helping her Mother out at home seems like a burden.

She waits a whole year for Valentine’s day
But she always forgets Father’s day.

Woman O feminist woman!
She claims to be independent and strong but wants special privileges and reservations.

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